Friday, July 4, 2008

Malawi Update

This week we have been working hard at writing a bible study guide the SCOM students can use on the Sermon on the Mount. The students were really excited to do the Sermon on the Mount which they studied at Chapter Focus Week last year.
At the SCOM office we have been mobbed by primary school kids. We played soccer with them, sang songs and took pictures.
I am getting used to driving on the other side of the road and finding my way around town. I don’t think I will ever get use to the volume of pedestrian traffic though. One of the things we are constantly being confronted with is the extreme poverty. We always see warming fires at night and people carrying water from the pump. I feel like we have to be careful not to consider trash what might be their treasure.
Our kids are providing a lot of entertainment for the team. Everyone is getting tired of 20 questions. But several have said it wouldn’t be the same without them along. They are adapting better than I expected.
Alli and Joe are feeling under the weather today. We have been experimenting with purifying our own water, and they may be feeling the worst of it. We were at another fellowship meeting today. Nina and Drew shared a faith story and we were in a Bible study with them on faith. We finally got hot water, if I didn’t tell you that before. Actually we had it all the time, we just didn’t know how to get it. They are letting us use the bathroom next door , which is helpful and it has a shower too. No hot water there, but it is better than just one bathroom. Another interesting thing is that every night the power goes out from about 5:30 to 6:15. Duncan said they shut down regions of the city at different times to save money.
Today we will be traveling to the lake for another fellowship meeting and we will stay the weekend to get to know the students more and help them in their ministry there. Rachel Keung will be sharing the sermon and Kyle with share his faith story. Monday is Malawi’s independence day so we will have the day off. Please pray again for safe travel. It is about 3 hours. Thank you for your prayers!!!!
For His service,


lyn said...

Happy July 4th! Our prayers continue for good health for everyone. So glad you got hot water!
love to all

Kelly said...

I have been praying for you and the team daily! I am so proud of you for all of your work! I will be praying for your strength and courage today as you share your story! Love you bunches!

Frenchie Smalls said...

Thanks for the update, Chris. Always helps knowing what to pray for!

I will definitely be praying for Alli and Joe, as I've heard that water sickness can get kinda nasty sometimes.

Alli, I love you, and wish I could be there to comfort you, honey! :o(