Saturday, June 13, 2009

Crisis Nursery & Orphanages

This week we spent moving into our new house and getting things started on our adoption. Our house is beautiful and very large. It has been neglected for sometime so has required a lot of time this week in cleaning and debugging. The previous inhabitants cooked with a lot of grease, so I spent a day scraping grease off the counters and walls. But it is plenty big enough for the team to join us in a week.

Last Friday we put our application in with Social Welfare requesting an adoption. They have very limited resources which makes them a little difficult to work with. In our perspective they move very slowly. And by Wednesday they couldn't find our application. Every trip to that office is very discouraging.

After the first meeting at Social Welfare we thought it best if we didn't leave the part of locating a child entirely up to them. Chris made a trip to the crisis nursery and an orphanage this week with little progress. On Monday all the infants at the crisis nursery were "attached" to some family member. When he went in on Tuesday there was a young man in their relinquishing his rights to his 10 month old nephew, Fuluke. You could tell that he loved him very much but since the boy's mother died on Saturday, he is not able to care for him. He is an adorable little boy and would be very pleased to accept a miracle from God if Social Welfare would match us with him.

We spent some time this week volunteering at the Crisis Nursery, feeding and playing with the babies. The whole family enjoyed it, even Isaac said he enjoyed it more than he wanted too. He feed 2 boys their bottles and read them some books. Grace really enjoyed playing with Fuluke and he smiled and laughed a lot for her. She is ready to be a big sister. The caregivers kept bringing more and more babies out for us to play with till there was 10 or 11. Grace said we needed more adults as we would hand babies off to our kids to pick up the fussy one.

Please pray:
- that we would not become discouraged when facing roadblocks in the adoption
- for Fuluke to find a good home (with us :) or somewhere else)
- safe trip for the team as they travel this week


Anonymous said...

Chris, our God is wonderful, this may not be the child He has for you and maybe none at all but He is control and your current family will learn a lot about him during these times. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers. You all are greatly missed. May God continue to guide your steps and words.
Your brother

Ellen Anderson said...

I can just see Grace being a little mother to the babies! It wasn't that long ago she was one of those little ones. She will make a great big sister as will her brothers to whatever child God chooses for your family.

I am just now catching up on your news as the first day of VBS is behind us. We have more children this year than the past several years that have not been to VBS before so we are excited about how God will touch their lives.

I am praying that you and your family will shine the light of Jesus in all you do.

I read the first chapter in I Peter in my morning devotions and just thought of the Swiney family immediately.
Blessings to you, Ellen