Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hello followers of the blog, this is Moriah updating you on our trip!

On Monday (the 25th) we went to a ministry called Children of the Nation. It is a ministry that helps both orphans and widows. The kids get one meal a day and we got to serve them for that meal. Although we saw a lot of smiles and joy in some of the faces we also saw a lot of sadness and hopelessness. As a team it was very hard to see that kind of brokenness, and although it’s the reality of life, it was hard. Although it was difficult to see, we also saw God working in that ministry. It is a ministry that has grown, and hopefully will continue to grow over the years so it can help more children.
We thank you for your constant prayers and support for this trip, here are a few more things that you could be praying for:
- Continual growth and development as a team
- That our van can get fixed! Transportation has been a bit of a problem so far and if we got our van fixed that would help out a lot! Some of our plans depend on this!
- For God’s continual provision for our team and SCOM

Thanks again, God bless!


Hello Brothers & Sisters! I, Rico Johnson, am providing you with another update:

We went to Lilongwe Technical College last night, 26 June 2012, and the service began around 7:30 PM, Malawi time. Our time there was simply amazing! The Spirit of the Lord filled the entire place! Each student warmly welcomed and greeted us with smiles. (Some of them were even giving out hugs!) They would sing praises to the Lord before each time of one-voice prayer. We prayed and praised the Lord three times before the service began! We enjoyed a men’s choir, a woman’s solo, and there was a praise team transitioning each event. Our team had a chance to sing a few songs, share testimonies, and preach. (I shared my testimony!) It was a huge blessing to see the student’s faces light up with Kool-aid smiles when we sang a song in Chichewa (their local language)!!

- Pray for SCOM leadership and organizational development
- Pray for the students of Malawi to experience more provision from the Lord
- Pray that our team might experience deepening relationships with one another.

Burdened for Christ,

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